White Peony Acupuncture

Boulder and Lyons, CO - and remote healings

Blending Japanese Acupuncture and Intuition Medicine® to enhance your health and your life.

Welcome to White Peony Acupuncture. Sarah’s mission is to help you heal the root energetic causes of disharmony and disease to bring you into more clear and full connection with your vibrant, healthy self.

Sarah blends traditions of Chinese and Vedic philosophy to balance the energy meridians, chakras, and other energetic systems within our bodies. Her acupuncture practice is heavily influenced by intuitive medicine, a form of energy medicine from the perspective of healing on a spirit level. Read on to find out more!

How does acupuncture work?

Oriental medicine has a rich and successful history that reaches back thousands of years. In a few words, acupuncture and herbal therapy rebalance the body so it can heal itself. The ancient medicine accesses meridians, or channels, that run the length of the body and carry energy, or “qi.” The energy within these meridians and the acupuncture points on the meridians can become imbalanced, creating pain and disease. Acupuncture gently reminds the body how to get back in harmony as well as prevents disharmony before it arises. Acupuncture promotes blood circulation and releases endorphins. It affects certain areas of the brain that release hormones and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters to bring the body into better balance.

What is Intuition Medicine®?

Our bodies are more than just separate systems of bones, muscles, nerves, etc. They interweave of all these physicals and more subtle energetic systems in a highly efficient, complex way. Energy informs the physical systems. One way that we clearly see this is in the way the seven main chakras directly connect to nerve plexuses and endocrine glands (the adrenals, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, gonads, and more). So they provide a direct pathway for energy to translate into hormonal, physiologic, and cellular changes. If we do not correct the energy imbalances that inevitably develop living in this fast paced world, they can transform into physical symptoms. By intuitively looking for blocks and imbalances in these energetic systems we can uncover and heal emotional and spiritual causes of disharmony or disease.

Learn more about Intuition Medicine on the Therapies Offered page.

Appointments available via telehealth,

at Sarah’s home office in LYONS, CO and

3775 Iris Ave #3B Boulder, CO 80301




Intuition Medicine® is a registered trademark of Francesca McCartney PhD, founder of the Academy of Intuition Medicine, being used with permission.